Viewer-Made Malware 13 - Trojan.DOS.CertainDeath

Do you ever wonder why danooct1 has a big time gap in his Viewer-Made Malware videos nowadays? It's because he's been extremely scared to do them after a viewer sent him a piece of malware for him to showcase. The malware was called CertainDeath, and it was for MS-DOS. The video has since been taken down by YouTube's terms of service for shocking content, but I still remember it in perfect detail. Don't ask.
It started with danooct1 filming his computer monitor, and him giving the usual introduction for his Viewer-Made Malware videos, and he said the malware had been submitted to him by "leavenow". I was unable to find the forum post containing the malware, nor the account. He was just about to execute it, when the computer screen flashed for a fraction of a second, which I remember containing an image of a man with his face torn off, and his torso being melted by a flamethrower. It made me sick. Dan said "What the... um, OK. Let's just get to running this."
When he ran it, the screen went black, and the monitor (not the screen, the actual entire monitor) began to shake, and the sides began to light up a dim red. A distorted voice was heard saying "YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME", and Dan said "I did not see this when I first tested it, what the fuck?" Then the screen flashed again, with more disturbing pictures, which included a woman being decapitated, a young child being forced to eat his own organs, and my mummy. I was in utter shock, and wanted to close the video, but curiosity overwhelmed me.
After the flashes, Dan picked up the camera and tried to run away. He tripped on something, and he yelled in pain. The camera was obviously being pulled back towards the computer, but after he fired at the monitor with a shotgun which he conveniently had at the time, he said "OK, this might just be the last fucking time I run anything sent to me. Don't try this on ANY computer you find, not even a useless one. Just, don't." Then the video ended.
I checked the comments section, and I saw endless comments saying the same phrase "LEAVE NOW", left by a "666". I was extremely confused, and in shock. Why would danooct1 upload this, despite the obviously shocking content? I private messaged him, but he denied anything about it, and actually banned me from his comments section. I have found no evidence online about this, but I want to share this with the world. If danooct1 reads this, please don't delete it.
Another thing, is that in the monitor reflection after the screen went black, I think I noticed a brief moment of a realistic pink starfish with a face, that seemed to be grinning menacingly. I don't know what it was, but I think it was the true being behind CertainDeath.